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Messages for AGM 2013 Proposals
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Jun 22, 2013 07:10 PM |
Proposal 1
Minute rule to be introduced for EVERY frame.
Call at 30 seconds, Foul if player hasn't struck the ball by 60...
Should be a friendly game wand not required - but been on the receiving end of this too many times last season....
Proposal 2
One "timeout/extension" per frame to give players or doubles teams one extra minute on one single shot per frame.
Have this in Clacks league and it works well to allow players to take extra time on a bit shot.
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Jun 22, 2013 07:39 PM |
Ditch the ludicrous "5 year time rule" that means people need to have played in the league for 5 seasons before being allowed on to the committee.
No longer affects me as my 5 years are up (nor do i want to be on the committee) - but could be other "new blood" in the league who wish to help / do a bit and they should be eligible to stand if enough support is there for them.
I raised this prior to an AGM about 3 years ago and the committee wouldn't allow a change to be voted to this rule on the night - citing "its a time rule" and cannot be changed. Ludicrous
ALL Player registrations should be entered on the web for ALL teams. Committee task obviously.
From the Constitution:
Point 22.
"Matches are to start at 8.00pm prompt. A team may claim one frame for every 10 minutes
that their opponents are unavailable to play starting at 8 pm. A team must have 4 players in
attendance at 8 pm to a start match."
I suggest the last sentence in this clause is deleted.
If team a is late and team b want to claim the first frame then so be it.
But if three players turn up at 8pm with the rest shortly afterward - why should the team be penalised. The match can start on time. Whats the problem?
Point 23.
"If a team is not in attendance or does not have 5 players by 8.30pm, the match is forfeited by
the score of 7–0. The winning team is to put their names on the result sheet stating that their
opponents failed to turn up."
I suggest this rule is deleted.
Occasionally teams will have problems getting players - especially for cup matches. Some guys work shifts and can turn up until 9pm - plenty of time to participate.
Losing a frame every ten minutes is enough punishment for a team.
I dont know of any team who has called on this rule in any event.
Point 36.
"No team can cancel a game, There will be a fine of £25 for any team who fails to appear for a
game, or has insufficient players by 8:30pm. £15 of the fine will go to the injured team as
I suggest the 8.30 section of this clause be deleted for the same reasons set out against point 23.
Point 29
"A player can play for another league ONLY if the other leagues League night is not the same
as FDPL. A player is not allowed to play in more than one competition on the same night."
I suggest this rule is deleted.
What difference does it make if a player plays in two leagues, plays a cup tie for another team in another league, then comes to falkirk to play in the FDPL. Either they are available to play their frames in the FDPL when the time comes or they are not. Also the phrase - "A player is not allowed to play in more than one competition on the same night" is very ambiguous.
Point 36.
"No team can cancel a game, There will be a fine of £25 for any team who fails to appear for a
game, or has insufficient players by 8:30pm. £15 of the fine will go to the injured team as
I suggest the 8.30 section of this clause be deleted.
Point 37.
"Having played for one team, a player may not play for another team in the same season
except where a team has disbanded."
I suggest this rule be deleted or perhaps tweaked to allow transfers (with committee approval) during the first half of the season. There are circumstances where players fall-out etc or get barred from their home pub and these players still want to play pool. We should not be discouraging these players doing so.
Point 40.
"There would be a maximum of 2 players allowed to go to an existing team. There is no cut-
off date for this."
I think a cut off date should be set to say, half way through the season (To avoid the ruling being abused). I also think there should be no maximum number of players - What if three guys get barred from the pub in the first month of the season?
Mostly common sense changes in my opinion. Lets get rid of the rules that aren't actually required.
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Jun 23, 2013 10:18 AM |
I second most if not all of dazza's suggestions, I would at to a couple tho
RE. cups
keep 3 cups imo A division, B divison, craiglee then add 2 one day cups use pennies for one then cp for the other. Like the idea of incorporating the one dayers as the presentation also.
There has to be some sort of capping system in place otherwise the league will end up being Braes II, this would have to be carefully thought through tho I would propose a committee get together and discuss this prior to the AGM for the good of the league ps not our committee. Needs to have people with the interest of the league at heart and not just winning.
Superleague committee to be ratified by the league and the league to take a more active interest in it.
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Jun 24, 2013 11:04 AM |
Gutted for you Sting.... :-)
Seeing as the current Clachan team consists of The best of last year's Clachan and the best of last years CPB AND also the addition of the best player in the area (Bossman) on top of that - I'd imagine any form of capping system (if re-introduced) could (and should???) affect the current Clachan squad. Wouldnt necessarily need to fold - maybe just do a bit of player juggling .... You seem to have a big enough squad...
The previous capping regime has been affecting the crown for years and almost caused us to fold a few times due to lack of players.
Net result - Gary Scott left to go the Tavern. Davy Wilson and Colin Inkster Stopped playing due to the hassle, I stopped playing IMs in Clacks although I'd been playing there for years... Barry and John now play counties for Falkirk. Crown team much weaker as a result.
Should be an interesting AGM....
For Scott:
A / B cups to be played at prior winners venue - this is a good idea IF my suggestion of playing these off at pennies or CP as part of the trophy ceremony doesn't pan out.
Singles and doubles frames to be increased sounds like a good idea in principle - Would we be able to play all the matches off on one day however or would we need to go back to the days of playing off the qualifiers etc? Not necessarily a bad idea - but best to have the whole effect of your suggestion all out on the open.
Some form of capping needs introduced - but your idea might be too severe in my opinion... Also If it was to go ahead, it would need to be done on tourneys played over the last xx seasons (not tournaments) and CAT lists compiled to last a whole season - would be a logistical nightmare for the committee to control / maintain otherwise.
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Jun 24, 2013 11:14 AM |
Singles was already like that scott best of 3,7,9 im sure you were there at cp. The q/f line up was something like this steven bennie, scott ross, steven Campbell jr, gary scott, richie baird, derek clarkin, sorry if I cant remember the other 2 but it was proposed at the next agm that the singles an doubles cut back to best of 3 As the invasion of the braes players stuck out to much when more games were played, however as everyone puts it now that its a lottery really! Also I would do away with this rubbish that you play 3 league games with 1 team getting extra game at home, make it 4 games! why not make it something like the spl have a split with 6 games to go at least then it be a decent run in to end of season! An if you do that way with 4 games an more likely to be playing every Tuesday night!An the cup proposals can easily be sorted out some way if they are cut down to 4!!
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Jun 24, 2013 02:06 PM |
The capping system should be for players who are deemed the best in the league(who still play) players like me shouldn't be on this list as I was only in the a team by default same with hutton, Neil,les. But I do agree something needs put in place
No cups should be played on a Tuesday, only league games
People on the league committee should be on a pc either this site, Facebook etc, Scott gets too much hassle because he's the only 1 on it, no quite fair
Venues up to scratch ie table, playing area, no ANTS on sandwiches
League to take a. Interest in super league as most teams are represented
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Jun 24, 2013 02:36 PM |
The league committee and procedures taking nothing to do with our SPA affiliation (although I know Scott does/has went to meetings) is probably good enough to get us kicked out of the SPA if they knew the situation.
Its basically running our SPA activities outwith the jurisdiction of the league.
Ridiculous scenario to be honest.
The capping system needs to be looked at but as we have found in the past its really difficult to implement and maintain as it becomes too subjective and based on opinion. I have no idea what way we should go with this now. Do we create our own CAT lists?!? Based on what!?
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Jun 25, 2013 12:14 PM |
Defo the league needs to take something to do with the superleague, we had a handful of guys the other week that were the only guys that are interested in doing something to help that had to meet and sort things out otherwise it would fall apart.
In my opinion there needs to be a CAT list made up by a committee chosen by the body of the hall, this committee should be tasked with deciding the list of say 15 best players in the league and only 2 of these players can play in the singles and another 2 in the doubles. For example myself, Higgi and bossman may be on this list boss and higs could play singles then one sits out doubles to allow me to play. The only problem I can see about this is that IMO the crown has more top players than us that would be on this list, a fair system would have to be implemented.
If I was picking 15 off the top of my head in the league:
Barry Lynn
John Lynn
Alec Lynn
Darren Mooney
Gary Scott
Alan Valentine
Kevin Dooley
Steven Campbell Jnr
Billy Coleman
I'm sure a lot of those will be on most peoples lists maybe a few will be changed with other people.
Totally agree with lag for every frame, if you get broke and dished because your captain puts you against the break then nothing you can do, if you get dished because you lost the lag then you had a chance to get the break at least.
With Gary's post I remember that singles I was beat in the quarters off Gary 4-3 in my opinion it should NEVER go back to that we need to look after the "lesser" players more now than ever the numbers would go down with best of 3's everyone has a half chance. Look at some of the players that have made the semi's etc over the years would never have done that with longer races, I probably wouldn't have won it!
There is going to be a lot to go over at the AGM.
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Jun 25, 2013 01:48 PM |
Can someone advise when the AGM will be and where?
I have been speaking to a few people about setting up a new team and would be interested in any details for joining the leauge. Would this be a possibility for the forthcoming season? Can anyone advise on dates for the first games team joining fees etc - Any info would be great.
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Jun 25, 2013 02:19 PM |
The AGM is scheduled for the 7th August in The Ochilview, Stenhousemuir.
Joining for the forthcoming season shouldn't be a problem and you would most likely join the 2nd division. I say most likely as the league continuing with a A and B division is completely dependent on the number of registered teams.
First matches are most likely to start around 3 weeks after the date of AGM with a player registration meeting 2 weeks after the AGM.
I believe the registration fee is about £50 per team but this would need to be clarified at the AGM as it may or may not change.
What would be your home venue? Have you had a team in the league or have any of your potential players played in the league before?
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Jun 25, 2013 03:24 PM |
Hi Mulson
Thanks for the info.
Some of the guys I have been speaking to have played before. We would be based in linlithgow venue TBA due to some of the tables not being leauge standard and some not having enough space. I am going to speak to a couple of potential venues this week and see if they would be keen to take a team on. I have 12 names at the moment keen to take a look and I will be setting up a couple of nights to ensure they would all be reliable for the season. I have played before and run a team in the midlothian league a few years ago.
I have read throught the constitution and noted that there is a rule around having a Falkirk Postcode for your venue, would you see any issue with a team from Linlithgow as some of the postcodes are EH...? Technically I think we would be about the same travel as Boness who also seem to have an EH post code.
Happy to come to the AGM and lodge an application and take it from there.
If anyone has any advise/feedback then i will keep my eyes on this page.
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Jun 25, 2013 04:19 PM |
Well there is a precedent set already with us having accepted a team from Boness (The Crown) which has an EH postcode so I see no reason why it should be a problem.
Obviously its blackball rules in the league so would be handy to make sure newer players are familiar with the ruleset as newer teams sometimes struggle with this.
Good luck with it, always good to see new teams involved!
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Jun 26, 2013 02:52 PM |
This sounds very like "The exceptional player list" idea that came out earlier in the season...
Have to say however that I love YOUR list sting.... You missed out Crown players :- Stevie, Chippy and Ian Carr lol.
I would like to think there's a wee bit of difference between Boss, Higgi n you - and the likes of Woody, Me, Baz n John. (Most of whom aren't even playing IMs at all)
Alex maybe a different kettle - he's easily one of the best players in the league when his arm is not playing up....
Case in point Higgi just gave Baz 4 of a start and pumped him (Soz Baz).....
Its all very subjective.... Me? very nice to be thought of in such a way put on such a list - then again both big Lairdie and Neil leathered me in recent singles league matches (only giving away +1) - so why aren't they on the same list? Subjective....
"Exceptional players" for me, this should consists of the likes of :-
Gary, Boss, Jonah, Bennie, Yourself, Higgi etc... Certain "outsiders" if they joined the league e.g. Rooney or Buzzbomb (only examples)
The 2+2 rule we had was actually pretty fair (albeit we were badly penalised with regards to players playing in other IM setup).
4 x "FK Rated Players" 2 of which could be Superstars
This stopped teams fielding more than 2 exceptional players and also capped the number of locally rated players a team could field...
(IMO Clachan had 3 x exceptional players last season and then a number of solid players to back them up - Neil (Solid all rounder), Les (When he's hot, he's hot), Lairdie (internationalist), Dools (Grassroots winner), Mulson (decent - even if he is a ginge) ) - not to mention the CPB Wilsons etc
Its a fine line....
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Jul 02, 2013 02:48 PM |
You are hilarious sting you say about the interest of the league and not just about winning... How many teams have you changed from over the last say 5-6 years to gain success, lol your words below not mine
There has to be some sort of capping system in place otherwise the league will end up being Braes II, this would have to be carefully thought through tho I would propose a committee get together and discuss this prior to the AGM for the good of the league ps not our committee. Needs to have people with the interest of the league at heart and not just winning.
Now to more serious matters
My proposals
1) change the league from 8 singles and 4 doubles to, 7 singles and 3 doubles this way if the teams only have 6 players on the night they are only losing one fame and may also help with the problem of the time. I know some of the publicans will not want this as they may lose a little business but surely they would rather have all the games being played rather than the usual call offs later on in the season when guys don't want to travel with just 6 players.
2) I defo agree that the people on the committee must show an interest with spa meetings, super league stuff and I ms, I done all of this with scot before I went away a few year ago and I am sad to say but looks like our league is going backwards. I have already spoke to scot about helping him next year and he knows I will and that's without being on the committee. I think the chairman situation needs to be looked at for not to turn up to singles, doubles or the presentation night in MY OPINION is a joke . Scot has done all the work over the years so make him chairman as he does not get the credit he deserves.
3) I don't agree with the minute rule being enforced as its always been the case if guys are really taking it to extremes the ref at the time can have a word.
4) I also agree that there needs to be some sort of rule to stop all good players ending up the hill in the coachman again ( joke) but needs to be looked at very carefully as the last thing we want to do is scare our best players away, surely all the lesser players like myself want to play these guys on a tue-Thursday and try and beat them over one frame
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Jul 03, 2013 06:43 AM |
Santa I have moved 3 times in the league played with fusco's for a while then when my mates moved from the braes league to this league I moved to play with them at corner pocket in the b league, we had a good team and unfortunately it folded this team was kept in the league at the last minute by Danny and steed jnr and lairdie played but they had said to us they weren't so we made other arrangements. We moved to the clachan because they wanted all of us and we wanted to stay together. So not that much ive moved just been linked with half the league.
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Jul 03, 2013 06:44 AM |
Santa I have moved 3 times in the league played with fusco's for a while then when my mates moved from the braes league to this league I moved to play with them at corner pocket in the b league, we had a good team and unfortunately it folded this team was kept in the league at the last minute by Danny and steed jnr and lairdie played but they had said to us they weren't so we made other arrangements. We moved to the clachan because they wanted all of us and we wanted to stay together. So not that much ive moved just been linked with half the league.
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Jul 04, 2013 09:03 AM |
Some good points raised Santa.
Have to strongly disagree on the minute rule issue though.
In my opinion, your "ref has a word" approach only ends up in bad feeling and bickering. Ive tried it a few times (with my own players as well as the opposition) and always end up getting pelters from the opposing team. Its subjective and as such players tend to feel aggrieved if they are being hurried up - even if they have already been on the shot for 3-4 minutes.
Hard and fast rule one minute is fairer. Can be no complaining as its the same for everyone. Ref can use discretion if play is held up waiting for a rest/spider or if they are interrupted in some other way. Its the official rule and should be adhered to in my opinion. Will stop certain players and certain teams ripping the arse right out of it by taking 3+ mins every second shot - something i have seen a lot during the past season.
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Aug 05, 2013 11:19 AM |
Facebook seems to be the place to find out anything about anything in the FDPL now. I know you don't use it so here is what Scott said about it.
"OK folks, Just spoke to the Ochilview Bar and the AGM is on there on the 7th August as they have already cancelled the function in the hall that night. In addition the reason for holding it there is that we owe the pub a night after the fiasco of the presentation night."
It is not a permanent thing I don't believe.
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Aug 06, 2013 11:04 AM |
Thanks Ali.
Scott needs to realise thats not how things should be run.
The Mill was voted as the meeting place and should remain as such untill voted otherwise.
We could have had the AGM and had a vote to give the Ochilview a couple of nights,its up to the members.
And if the players want to use Facebook fair enough but why cant we get a descent site up and running?
This ones been a waste of space since the start.
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Aug 06, 2013 08:46 PM |
Posted by Sauchie
Name: Brian Hunter
IP Address: * The address at the time of posting. This address is not necessarily associated with the user at all times.
Aug 06, 2013 05:04 AM
50 Posts
Thanks Ali.
Scott needs to realise thats not how things should be run.
The Mill was voted as the meeting place and should remain as such untill voted otherwise.
We could have had the AGM and had a vote to give the Ochilview a couple of nights,its up to the members.
And if the players want to use Facebook fair enough but why cant we get a descent site up and running?
This ones been a waste of space since the start.
The change to the AGM has been on this site since the 25th June. If you had an objection to this it should have been done long before now.
As to the website - if you can point me to a site that gives the falkirk league the following - all for free - then I'm all for change. Also can you list the problems you have with this one so we dont have them in the new site
1. League result software included
2. Forums
3. News Postings
4. event calendar
5. Player stats
6. Player registrations
7. League venue details
8. All contact details and maps to the different pubs/clubs
9. The ability to incorporate and update cup draws
10. A nice little tab box whixh gives you instant access to, upcoming fixtures, latest results, forums, upcoming events
11. Free Hosting
Once you find that site come back and let me know and I'll gladly change to them.
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Aug 07, 2013 01:57 PM |
This website is actually pretty good. It does everything we need. OK the forum functionality is pretty basic but is more than adequate.
The problem was the majority of those registering to use the site were unable to follow some simple instructions to follow the registration process and then dismissed the site as useless, when actually the problem was them.
I can understand why some are questioning the arrangements for the AGM Scott, the decision to recompense The Ochilview (which definately should happen by the way) should have been made at the AGM in The Mill, not by arranging the AGM for The Ochilview which will make next to fuck all out of it anyway.
There is no conspiracy or vendetta and in my opinion its pretty shite to be accusing Scott of that, he is merely trying to rectify a problem brought about by the league members, he has just went the wrong way about it IMO.

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